St. Charles Matric. Hr. Sec. School – Yelagiri



Help us to help your Children

  1. Co-operate with the school by seeing that your children are regular, punctual and that they prepare their daily lessons. They must be encouraged to take interest in school activities and not excused on the slightest pretext.
  2. The Parents are expected to meet the class teacher on the class Open Day when progress report will be handed over. Parents are asked to keep an eye on attendance, leave record and late attendance record.
  3. Encourage your children to be neat and clean and reliant in work and study. Their help should be enlisted in keeping the home tidy and attending to their own kit. This inculcates in them the idea of the dignity of work.
  4. Avoid criticizing the school or the teachers in front of your children, for it Causes them to lose respect for their superiors. Should you have a legitimate complaint, or if you feel that your child is not making desired progress, you may meet the principal on the school day between 10.30 a.m. and 12.30 a.m. or can make use of the suggestion box and not to the teacher.
  5. Parents or guardian are allowed to meet the teachers regarding their child’s performance between 04.00 p.m. and 04.30 p.m. on Friday.
  6. Private Tuitions are strongly discouraged.
  7. If a student is likely to absent for more than a week due to illness, the principal must be informed immediately.
  8. On every Monday the children should wear white uniform and canvas shoes. Necessary action will be taken, on those who come in improper uniform.
  9. For required transaction contact the office between 10.30 a.m. and 12.30p.m.
  10. I consent my child to attend the catechism/ Moral Science classes.
  11. Gratitude to the teachers is encouraged however compliments and gifts to the teachers is strictly discouraged without the consent of the principal.
  12. By the very nature of admission to the child in our school, the parents abide by the rules, regulations and decisions of the school.
  13. Open days are conducted at the end of Midterm and term exams. Parents and Guardians are advised to come and meet the class teacher for the better performances of the student.
  14. All the correspondences that the parents received through SMS need to be monitored regularly.
  15. In case of any changes in address/ contact number kindly inform immediately to the school office
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